
Coming Soon

"Ghost Pilot"
"Dumbunny & Jackass"
"Sypher McGee"





Twisted Whiskers
American Greetings / The Hatchery

Sinister Gnome

Edmund F
Sinister Gnome

Tom & Jerry
(chase sequences, credit roll)
Warner Brothers

Sponge Bob Square Pants

National Public Radio

Superstars of Aerobatics
Simitar Entertainment

The Call of Duty
Simitar Entertainment

The Wild Coast
Simitar Entertainment

Motocross Daredevils
Brentwood Communications, Inc.

Marvelous Hot Air Ballooning
Navarre Corporation

Unsung Heroes

"Ets and Objets"
Original Score for Piano
Cornish School of Modern Dance

Sound Design

Twisted Whiskers  Mandalay Ent / The Hatchery




Theatrical film trailer for 'Kopptoberfest', American Cinemateque's tribute to animator/director Bill Kopp's 27 years in film, at the Egyptian in Hollywood, Nov 2011

click here to play opening title

Tonewheel Triggerfingers
Tonewheel Triggerfingers
full length all original album,
avail I-Tunes, Amazon spring 2010

Twisted Whiskers
Twisted Whiskers
American Greetings / The Hatchery

Blood Chimp
Sinister Gnome

Edmund Frankenstein
Edmund F
Sinister Gnome

Tom and Jerry
Tom & Jerry
(chase sequences, credit roll)
Warner Brothers